Thursday, May 7, 2009


Jeremy : WHoa. cool

B.Jane : Thanks.

Jeremy : But shouldn't it be in the middle?

B.Jane : no. i purposely drew it at the side.

Jeremy : Why? aren't u an engineer. dont u know it's suppose to break at the boob crack? lol.

B.Jane : not if something hits it from the side?!


yeah... sniffles. cough. sniff.ahchooh..sniff sniff.. that says it all.. St. Ill paid me a visit this morning.. that ol' bast@#&d...well.... ok. maybe i'm being a little harsh cause it's not entirely his fault now...lets give him an 80% blame on this sickness... ok.. so i blasted me air con and fan yesterday cause it was such a hot day.. so i might have gotten sick cause of that.. 60%?? and i might've slept off doing my dynamics homework... 40%?? and i might've forgotten to use my blanket to sleep... OK OK OK OK!!!! it was my fault!! happy!!???? sigh... this sickness has gone to my head...


So today was pretty shit. dont even know why i bother going to uni when i dont pay attention to nuts. really. though i did play pool today. wee. have craving for it again. and got trashed like hell from jeremy. he enjoyed it. its okay. more practice and i should.. SHOULd.. get better... Then there was dynamics tutorial to be done which i totally think is lifeless.. bleh..


I visited the gym today. After a LONG time.. Feels kinda lonely without Mr.Machuk :(

but then again.. that's how it was before. guess i missed having company there overall.. i mean.. i didn't exactly join the gym alone... -_-"


long long long day.... Thanks for messaging..

She said, "Actions speak louder than words"

though we hear it all the time. know what it means. but when someone close to u slaps the truth back into your face. u know you need to see things clearly. Thanks. for always being that hand that slaps my face back into reality. as harsh as it may be.


you hit it. spot on.

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