Thursday, July 3, 2008

I bid to say goodbye

Au Revoir
( i hope that's how you spell it)
Nigel Fatty Fernandez
you may have been
annoying, irritating, silly,
bubbly, asshole-y, disturbing,
but to me.. you are a friend..
i stand firm when i say waffles aint gonna be the same without you
and the newest addition..
(dont remind me)

there's not farewell without some cake!

thanks for always listening..
(i can't believe you remembered the breakfast thing!)


the old bunch..
gosh.. four years seems like a lifetime

yet... we're still the same..




can you spot Ms. baboon ( ML ) in the pic?
there she is!!


what a memory


we're all grown up..


blue tights and green tights.
(never again....)

and you'll forever be in our memories...



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