Thursday, August 20, 2009


Damn long day and i'm exhausted but yet i feel like i have to drop and store a few lines in my depressing and saddening blog. lol.

Anyways, today wa.s a 50/50 day... as in it was half good and half bad..
There were plenty undeserved losses in the Pool Tournament.
Honestly guys... you deeserved to win.. oh well...
Football was funny. i couldn't cheer for either sides cause both sides had friends -_-'
lol. so instead we just sat, watched, laughed... and drank the thickest and sweetest milo i've ever tasted in my life.. SERIOUSLy... The guy put 6 LADDLES of milo in one standard cup size....
We could barely drink through the straw cause it was like powder going through it.
If i get diabetes tomoro... i blame u sunway college.. but in a way it was quite a shockening cup of milo.. kept me hyper throughout the night..
Went to shake flabs then roamed around while waiting for Mr Calvin Klein to finish.
Went to starbucks and COULD NOT get a craving for mocha cause of the excessive amount of milo i drank. lol.
yawwwwnnnn... so sleepy now... but can't sleep...
gonna start on work...
wish me luck.. bleh!
Daniel says i need to chill... i'll try k! Thanks for caring!
Night allllll...

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