Friday, April 24, 2009

Nescafe Mocha and Mangbena

Honestly, if you never had the most hectic time in your life that you can ever imagine, i strongly encourage you to join mechanical engineering in Monash University. Here's what we have in store for you...

last day to catch a breath before the week begins.

Mechanics exam which you decide to study your ass off cause it's so freaking hard and you choose to memorize all the useless equations you've ever come upon in your life. At the moment of truth, you step into the exam hall with your head aching and your palms sweaty from flipping the pages of your newly worn out text book,
your teacher says " ok so this test is two questions and they are both the same questions you've done in your tutorial. so if you did it it'll be easy for you, if you didn't then this will be very new to you"
ahh... the class cheers..
and laura says " Fu@#(&$(&#)*$^)*)$^KKK"
cause she realizes that the very question he chose was the question i chose so happily to ignore. life is good.

Dynamics exam. Ah mechanics was easy. Dynamics should be fine... plus there's not much to study. Moment of truth once again. As the light A4 paper flips from it's front revealing our first task, we say........."holy sh..........."
conclusion- Dynamics-FAIL... excellent :)

Mathematics exam. Got good tips. finally. a lift off my shoulder. did okay for the exam.. felt so proud of myself.. but you know how when you step out of the exam hall people like to talk and discuss about the exam...then you find out what you did right and what you did wrong... yeah... i strongly ask you NOT to partake in ANY of this conversations...
They break your heart..

Dynamics tutorial due. Awesome. i come to uni at 8:00 am in order to get parking which was already about seven to eight rows from the front? awesome. yeaps. Anyways, so it's a one question tutorial. How hard can it be? FOUR kafreaking(i quote M) HOURS later... and many bundles of hair gone.. it's done... WRONG... but done.. who cares anymore? Project is due tomoro. so we start at the project lab fixing our 40% project.. STRESS.. 5:30 pm.. project lab closes.. we migrate out to the corridor to finish our work.. 7:30pm.. breaking point of our lives.. and our project... it's 12:01 am: the project continues in klang. thanks Mr. A.... Mangbena. awesome.

a new day shall begin soon. lets hope for the best....
and expect the worst..

so my dearly beloved friends. Monash university is a highly established well known and fabulous university for the young and the stressless. I hope to see you soon. You know what they say.. the more the merrier. :)

you found it. you stole it. you confessed it. you won it. you broke it. you never gave it back.

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