Thursday, December 11, 2008

so what now?

i'm empty.
hmmm..what do i feel like?..
how do you describe broken, shattered and simply fucked in one sentence?
oh wait. i just did.
sorry ppl that my blog has been so down n depressing...
i promise it'll change..
just give me a few months or so??
or maybe years?
not for you huh. you clearly dont need time.
well lets see.. let's try to start talking normally..
okay well i'm up to my head in church stuff cause my church is having a christmas musical on the 27th and anyone is invited k? it's free.
and if practices everyday for at least 7 hours everyday is not enough.. i have other stuff to do..
and some people are dragging me out to go hiking?? WTF?? leeches??? hell no....
but then again as embarassing as this may sound.. i've never been hiking or in the jungle in my entire life.. yeah... go ahead.. make fun..
n on a last note. tq M and A for the loan.. at least it made me smile ?
oh n i'm suppose to be exercising more.. WTH.. RM170 a month and i visit the gym once or twice... where's the logic in that?

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