Friday, April 25, 2008

time's running out. tick tock.

one time too many,
i've fallen from grace,
life's too short,
too fast at it's pace
i long for the peace,
for life to show it's innocents,
my pain to decrease,
to take away my defences.

yeah. i'm sick of it. i look at you like i look at a photograph. not knowing what's inside.honestly i dont know you. honestly.i'm sick of everything. but yet i still keep the photograph. still want the memories. still need em. but i hate seeing you and knowing how you've changed. i hate seeing your non existent confidence shining through every time i look at you. i hate seeing you fall for nonsense everytime it comes along. what happened to your courage? your self esteem? your faith. a moment ago... i thought it was there. you took it didn't you.

i hate you laura..

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