Saturday, March 15, 2008

physics... bleh!

Thank God it's Friday!! weeheee!!
dont you just love the weekend??
well... that's what i thought.. before i found out i am PILED up to my nose in homework and assignments.... so maybe i've been a little lazy and fell back on my work..
but but but...
i promise to catch up...
i mean.. this time.. i'm really gonna change and be different.. be better!!
( promise number 101 )
but i can't let my classmates down this time..
i really wanna do good..
anyways.. i can't afford to do badly... or i'm screwwweeeddd
so anyways.. today was a normal day at college..
usual 3 hours of maths on friday..
bloody hell... too much for my mind to handle at 8 in the morning..
but i left class early anyways..
my blur maths teacher is retiring.. so i guess he decided to be nice to us..
anyways.. i was suppose to go for luch with raf...
but i had to stay back and do my project.. so there goes lunch..
*sorry dear!*
ah yes...
the project..
operation Formula-R egg race..
no i'm serious.. that's the name of the project..
to build a vehicle powered by only a single rubber band and launch it to the furthest distance..
and the vehicle must not have any wheels or anytning that rotates..
sounds easy doesn't it??
but not when you have to do it on a bloody-HECK of a rough surface on the floor..
ish bish kedish...
so there we were trying to launch our egg...
the longest ever recorded was 11 meters by some group a few years back..
so we were determined to break the record and to do better..
we set our hearts and minds..
put all our effort into design and calculations
and physic theories that would help give us an advantage..
and it all came down to the second final stage..
the test run..
our hearts anticipated the moment..
we pulled the rubber band back...
set the vehicle on it's starting position..
on the count of three..
and the car took off!!
it's glory..
it's macnificent motion...
the beauty of physics..
we set our eyes on our creation..
zooming by..
and finally..
we estimated our distance travelled...
and yes..
the verdict..
our lovely vehicle..
travelled a distance..
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!
we were suppose to beat the record of 11 meters... METERS!!
and we travelled.. 0.3 meters...
i mean that's approximately 3% of what we were suppose to achieve!
kill me..
kill me now..
but of course we had to adjust and make arrangements and re-do some stuff..
well... it travelled a few METERS further after that..
but we're yet to achieve our goal...
i'll let you all know the results by next week..
lets hope i dont totally embarass myself..
wish us luck!!

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