Tuesday, March 11, 2008

desperately desiring deep devotion

ok so saturday was overnight vigil...
Lesbie asked me something that made me think
"whoever came up with this pray and dont sleep for fun thingy? is it part of your beliefs?"
and i'm like.... NO it's not!!!
damn!! so why did i deprived myself from sleep and food and sanity...
for risking my life and putting my physical abilities at stake for this one night thingy??
i mean... because of this...
i have to fully train myself to run 500 miles in 30 seconds..
in case of emergencies... like tsunami? landslides? peace and prosperity?
murder me...
so there we are..
andrea.. listening to music...
mich... playing with her handphone..
laura... messaging...
alison....playing games...
wow... we are holy indeed...
and yet.. i'm still desperate..
hopelessly devoted to you...

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