Sunday, November 4, 2007

i am sick of life...

sick of studying..

sick of worrying for nothing...

sick of doing things i hate...

sick of wasting my time..

sick of being fat...

sick of working hard for nothing...

sick of procrastinating...

sick of doing nothing about my life..

sick of wanting things so bad that i can never have...

sick of eating then growing fat...

sick of not eating for the sake of not growing fat...

sick of thinking that i can actually stop eating...

sick of lousy and boring tv programmes...

sick of traffic jams and road accidents..

sick of sicknesses and illnesses....

sick of suffering around the world...

sick of knowing that i'm gonna fail and doing nothing about it..

sick of wasting my life away thinking that i could have actually become something...

sick of being nice and not being treated nicely back..

sick of loving someone so much that it doesn't matter anymore..

sick of hating people till i end up hating myself..

sick of trying to be someone i'm not..

sick of having friends walk in and out of my life and never able to keep them there...

sick of always forgetting to keep in touch with ppl...

sick of being away from my cousins and godpa...

sick of not having my best friend anymore...

sick of losing my classmates after every term of education...

sick of waking up early to a bright new day and getting your hopes let down....

fucking sick of being emo but i can't help it...

sick of this.......

conclusion :
i'm mentally physically emotionally and financially unstable and SICK

God help us all...

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